Dental Implants: Purpose, Procedure and Cost

Tandimplantaten: doel, procedure en kosten

Today, dental implants are considered in dentistry as the quality of prosthetic replacement of missing teeth. This “artificial tooth root” in turn serves to support a replacement tooth or bridge.

Most dental implants are made of titanium, which allows them to be integrated into the bone without being recognized as an overseas object in our body. In the current scenario, the success rate for dental implants is about 98%.


Why should you go for a dental implant?


When it comes to replacing teeth that are missing or damaged, you have several options. However, one option that stands out above the rest is dental implants.

Dental implants offer benefits that other tooth replacement alternatives, such as dentures or bridges, cannot. Here are the main advantages of this innovative option:




bone loss If you lose teeth, you may also tend to lose bone mass in your jaw. This is because your jawbone needs the stimulation it gets when your teeth join together to maintain their mass. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that replaces stimulation of the jaw bone, which prevents bone loss.


Matches your natural teeth


Dental implants are available in large shapes and sizes. Your dentist will work with you to style implants that match the color of your surrounding teeth and fit the gap perfectly.


Restores bite force


Because dental implants are anchored in your jaw with a titanium post that replaces the complex body part, you can bite with more or less the same force as you would with your natural teeth.

Other tooth replacement options do not restore nearly the maximum amount of your bite force because they sit on top of the gums and are not anchored in place.


Prevents changes in the shape of your face


Your teeth help support your facial structure. However, once you lose teeth, you lose that support, eventually changing the shape of your face, making you look older.

Shouldn’t get Artificial teeth


Cavities can still be cared for to prevent bacteria from building up in your mouth and causing infections, but the fabric from which dental implants are made can’t spoil. So you never have to worry about getting cavities in your dental implants!

Maintenance friendly For


Taking care of dental implants is easy! Just brush and floss as you normally would. For dental implants, you don’t have to shop for special products to scrub or care for them. Instead, brush and floss just as you would with your natural teeth.


No embarrassing slips


Patients with dentures sometimes feel self-conscious about talking, laughing, or eating in public because dentures can visibly shift or slip into your mouth. However, dental implants are firmly anchored in place and can never embarrass you.


Supports adjacent teeth


An opening in your mouth caused by a missing tooth can cause the teeth on either side of the opening to change position, resulting in misalignment. Dental implants fill the gap so you can have a straight, even smile.

A permanent solution for


tooth loss Other options for tooth replacement will be repaired or replaced periodically, but dental implants are designed to last the rest of your life.

If you need a tooth replacement option, you should consider dental implants. Schedule a consultation to find out if you are a fair candidate for dental implants.


Requirements for Dental Implants


  • It is important to let your dentist know everything about your medical condition (past and present) along with any medications you are taking, whether they are prescription, alternative (herbal), or over-the-counter.
  • Your gums should be in healthy condition.
  • If there is not enough bone to support the implant, bone grafting procedures are performed first before a sturdier base is formed for your implant.


Dental Implant – Procedure


  • First, the implant, which resembles a screw or cylinder, is placed in your jaw.
  • For the next two to six months, a short-term tooth replacement option is worn over the implant site.
  • Once it is sutured, the oral surgeon will expose the implant and connect an extension. This temporary healing cap completes the muse on which your new tooth is placed. Sometimes this step is not required. This may be because your surgeon is using an implant with the extension already attached.
  • If an extension is attached later, your gums can heal for a few weeks after the procedure.
  • After a short while, you will regain confidence in your smile and your ability to chew and speak a little as before.


What is the average spent on a dental implant?


Implants tend to be more expensive than other tooth replacement methods, and most insurance companies typically only cover 10 percent of reimbursements. Coverage under your medical plan may also be possible, betting on the insurance plan and explanation for tooth loss. You come to our office to discuss your financial options. In the long run, however, implants are usually a cheaper and good option.

Modern dental implants have been used successfully for over 30 years. They allow you to measure how you want – eat confidently, smile, laugh, talk, kiss and enjoy all your daily activities without worrying about your teeth.

At Euro-Dent, we accept all major dental procedures, so you don’t have to worry about the value of implant treatment or oral surgery. In fact, we have highly experienced and caring staff who will provide lifelong care, maintenance and support.

Euro-Dent in Belgium is also equipped with the latest technology such as CT scan, intravenous sedation, platelet rich fibrin, etc. to provide nothing but the most effective services. Therefore, you can feel completely at ease with all your procedures. feel free to get in touch with us to schedule your consultation.


How to choose the best implantologist?


You must understand that dental implants are the work of a specialist, that the very first thing you should take care of is that you only work with an implant specialist. So go to your dentist, do internet research and see if he is a general dentist or a specialist implantologist. Also get information about his experience and thus the number of years in practice. Keep in mind the following essentials for a few specialist implantologists.

  • His contribution in the field of implantology, within the research style, has been published in national and international journals.
  • Prizes and rewards won.
  • Recognitions by international bodies, certifications
  • So far advanced techniques followed, success rates.




As more and more dentists start offering implant services, it becomes important for them to locate the most effective dental clinic for their treatment.

There are various forms of practice in India from a single dental practice to large corporate chains of dental clinics. Therefore, after seeking a necessary treatment, such as an implant, it is extremely critical and imperative to ensure the quality, longevity and success of the implant and prosthesis.

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