Products by Dr. Veronica Stahl

We’ve developed the first personalized system of oral healthcare products in the world containing natural plant-based formulations to treat and cure dental problems in a safe, effective, and affordable manner.

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CBD-supplemented Polishing Powder Enhances Tooth Polishing by Inhibiting Dental Plaque Bacteria
Cannabinoids infused mouthwash products are as effective as chlorhexidine on inhibition of total-culturable bacterial content in dental plaque samples



Working hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:30

Send us a message and we will call you back soon:

Euro-Dent Mortsel:

Prins Leopoldlei 8 – 10, 2640 Mortsel, Antwerp regio

Euro-Dent Humbeek:

Dorpsstraat 14, 1851 Humbeek, Belgium

You can also schedule an appointment here: